The sunset is beautiful isn’t it?

2 min readJun 14, 2024

Visualize standing on a rugged cliff, gazing over the endless sea. The sun hangs low, casting a fiery glow upon the water. The azure of the sea merges with the hues of the horizon. The melody of waves crashing into the shore carries a salty scent. The golden hues blend with various shades, vast and boundless. Yet, without you, my beloved, I feel shallow and empty. I was born to admire the beauty of the moon, but fate forces me to appreciate the sunset as well. Look at my destiny. Who should I blame when my destiny plays these heart-wrenching tricks on me? I never felt a part of this sea. And you, my dear, were the biggest part of my existence, now torn away from me…

They say the ultimate sacrifice in love is dying for your beloved. My darling, I am prepared for any slow and agonizing death. Just command it, and my head will be at your feet. But why does no one talk about the struggle of breathing without your beloved? Isn’t that even harder? To feel dead inside while your heart continues to beat. If I must drown in this sea or wander lost in space just for a glimpse of you, I am willing to risk everything. You are the missing piece of my puzzle that can never be replaced. Whom can I blame but myself? I let you slip away. I loved you more than myself, and a treasure like you deserves better than a loser who only offers empty words and poems. So, I released your hand. Now, don’t you dare wander into those hypocritical markets filled with deceitful people who dare to comment on our love.

Watching someone else hold you tightly would be as painful as being pierced with a nail. My love, I promise to bear it all with the sweetest smile. They say broken people have the purest hearts, and most pleasant smiles and now I am certain. Inside, I may be crumbling, but I will not cause you any discomfort. Don’t worry. And if I were to harm myself, I would ensure it is far from you. How dreadful would my blood stain that pristine bridal gown, anyway? Whenever my spirit yearns for this world, it will return to our memories. You were my forever, but I was just a moment for you.




In the gloom, an ink-stained soul. Hope you like my words🤍